Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I just can't say NO...


So this month has been really great financially. I took time to prepare a budget, I figured out ways to maximize the amount of debt I'd be able to pay off for the month and organized all the funds so that I am using each of my three debits cards for a specific purpose ("fun money", bill pay & groceries/gas). 

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of depositing money into a previously unused checking account...one that happens to a be a joint account with my dad. 

My dad recently received a traffic ticket. He got caught "California rolling" through an intersection equipped with cameras, and now has to pay for a $381 ticket + the cost of traffic school. When I called him earlier today to confirm that he received my transfer for my share of our cruise, he mentioned this ticket, and asked if he could use the remaining $ in my account to pay for his ticket and traffic school. And of course, I said yes. He's my dad! Besides, I've never been able to say no to him, ever. 

So now, I have to rework my budget for the month, to account for the missing $300 gas & grocery funds. I don't mind helping my dad out, it's just tough I'm so financially strapped myself. The BF is completely annoyed b/c he feels as if I'm bailing my father out of a mess that he should be responsible for.../sigh 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

so I just signed up for mint.com

and i'm overwhelmed...in a good way =)

Mint is A.MA.ZING.

I'm currently uploading all my account information, and I have to admit, that it's a bit discouraging to see all my debt in one area....but at the same time, it's extremely motivating!

The goal (and I'm not sure how feasible this is) is to have all consumer debt paid off by December 2009, when I turn 27. More details on this plan will be posted once I fully assess my current employment situation.

Regardless, this website will be a great resource for completing this challenge

I'm really making an effort to track exactly where all my money is going! That way, I can accurately revise my budget and will know what to cut out!

Also, here is a list of my goals for August :
  • Work on Budget. Figure out what can be cut. Keep an extra eye on grocery costs.
  • Track every $ spent
  • Revise savings goals.
  • Pay off $1k of debt. Debt snowball begins this month!
  • Work on resume
  • Renew Alumni Association membership, so that I can make an appointment with the career counselor
  • Think about current job situation. Talk to employer about changes that may need to be made
  • Keep an eye out for bigger and better opportunities. When one arises, act on it!
  • Consider a PT job?
  • Attend workshops such as "how to ace an interview"
  • Rethink retirement options
  • Begin taking classes that will help me acquire more job skills and make myself more marketable (Photoshop, InDesign, etc.)
  • Resume GRE prep

Sunday, August 3, 2008

3 days late ...

but here is my PROPOSED August Budget

Rent 450
Utilities 50
Cell Phone 100
Laptop payment 200
Gas 150
Groceries 150
Fun Money 160
Savings 200
Credit Cards 800

TOTAL 2260

I'll try to see if I can move some #s around and hopefully have them work in favor of paying off more debt. My student loan is not included b/c it has already been accounted for this month.

what's four cents?

Last night while running errands with the BF, we stopped by the gas station to fill up my car. As I started pumping the gas, I noticed that gas was a little more expensive than I remember it being (but still far less than it had been a few weeks ago! I'm very thankful for that!) I realized that we were at a different gas station than the one we used earlier (for his car) so I asked him how much gas was there...turns out it was 4 cents cheaper. Rather than fill the whole tank up, I actually stopped 3 gallons in. I don't plan on using the car until Monday morning and I can stop by before work, especially since that station is on the way. Or I can wait until Monday afternoon, and gas up at Costco for even less.

Was it worth it to wait to save 4cents/gallon?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Efund vs Credit Card Debt

For those who are unaware, I am 25 years old and currently have ~$14k in credit card debt. Can you believe it? Neither can I. Never in my life have I been this deep into debt. Combine this with ~$25k in student loans (and mayhaps even more once I get into graduate school) and it's easy to see why I have a - net worth.

The silver lining of all this is that I have ~$9k in my Efund. Clearly I have spent more time saving money than paying off debt, and that's not alway a decision I am proud of.

Sooo. Should I take money out of Efund and use it towards paying down debt? Should I just stop putting money into the Efund and aggressively tackle the debt? Should I try to find a balance between both?

bleary eyed

6am on a Saturday morning, and I'm not sleeping in (or at least longer than I normally do during the week)? eesh!

I'm currently getting ready to head out for a FREE Photoshop workshop. It is through the community college district and it is a prereq for the Interactive Multimedia Certification program that I am currently on the wait list for. Yes. I'm trying to get certified. I've dabbled with Photoshop in the past, but I'd like to know enough to be able to list it on the resume and not feel like I was lying. I need to acquire new job skills and make myself more marketable for future employers right? I shouldn't just sit around and complain that no one has responded to my resume. I need to get out and make things happen!

Anyways, I gotta hurry or I'll be late. Punctuality is a good trait, right? haha.

Friday, August 1, 2008


I was checking my Wamu online statements tonight and realized that the APY for my Wamu online savings account has increased by .45%! That's great! That prompted me to check both Emigrant Direct (o.25% increase) and ING Direct (no increase, but that's ok b/c it has the least amount of savings in it. To be honest, I opened that account simply for the sign up bonus. I am not that impressed by the "subaccount" feature and will most likely keep the majority of my savings with Wamu and Emigrant).

That being said, now this has caused me to reconsider my options. Next year, I am planning on going on a cruise to the Britsh Isles with my family. This is going to be such a steal, b/c our family friend works with a cruise ship, and get us an Ocean view cabin for a little under $300/person. 10 days, $300. Sweet! So basically I am just saving to cover the cost of airfare + spending $. I was planning on securing some cash in an 8 month Wamu CD. The last time I checked, the rates were 4.25% with a minimum deposit of $1000. Easy peasy. I don't locking my money up, b/c I figure that the exchange rate will probably NOT be in my favor (as I learned when I studied abroad 3 years ago). Might as well let interest collect on until I'm ready to use it!

Should I wait to see if the CD APY will increase as well?

I will ponder that over dinner (the BF and I are going to try this amazing Beachside seafood restaurant, but don't worry...it's his treat!). Perhaps I'll even check the rates when I get back!

Have a g'night, to all of my phantom (read: non-existent) readers.

not living within my means

a year ago, i was very serious about getting myself of debt (not that I'm fooling around NOW but I had a better sense of what I could and could not afford). I budgeted every last cent for up to nearly a year ahead of time1 I was two years out of college, at my first serious job (note I don't refer to my place of employment as a career, b/c I now know that I can no longer consider staying in this field for many years to come), and set to clear out my last $4k of (consumer) debt by April 2008.

It is now August 2008, and I've moved so far in the opposite direction, I want to pull my hair out and scream. I am now ~$14k in consumer debt, and what do I have to show for it? Clothes? Shoes? a laptop (which isn't even charged on my own CC, so that's another $2k in debt to my mother!)? I make approximately $10k more than I did last year, and this is what I have to show for it? Although, to be fair, I was laid off for awhile earlier this year, and was given a severance package that was pretty much equivalent to 1.5 weeks pay. Can you believe that? And unemployment benefits took so long to kick in, I was already employed again (by the same employer...long story)! So, that does account for a lot. Plus the rising costs of gas and food surely has an effect, right?

Hardcore budgeting begins right now! It may take me a few days to figure out what I'm going to do, but my budget will be up ASAP. I'm going over my 2007 budget and attempting to figure out what changed.

One of my roomies moved out but that only accounts for an additional $30 in rent (I live in So Cal and pay ridiculously cheap rent to my "landlord" aka the BF's father).

Utility costs are roughly the same. The cell phone bill is slightly higher, due to the fact that I added my mother to my family plan.

The cost of food has definitely gone up, even without the fact that I know live with a BF and dog, and haven't really taken the time to figure out how much I exactly need to budget for food.

Ah...the BF. he was not around last year, so obviously $ goes towards gifts, going out, etc.

Shopping...i avoided it for so long, and now it's my kryptonite!

Time to work on the budget. eesh.