Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I just can't say NO...


So this month has been really great financially. I took time to prepare a budget, I figured out ways to maximize the amount of debt I'd be able to pay off for the month and organized all the funds so that I am using each of my three debits cards for a specific purpose ("fun money", bill pay & groceries/gas). 

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of depositing money into a previously unused checking account...one that happens to a be a joint account with my dad. 

My dad recently received a traffic ticket. He got caught "California rolling" through an intersection equipped with cameras, and now has to pay for a $381 ticket + the cost of traffic school. When I called him earlier today to confirm that he received my transfer for my share of our cruise, he mentioned this ticket, and asked if he could use the remaining $ in my account to pay for his ticket and traffic school. And of course, I said yes. He's my dad! Besides, I've never been able to say no to him, ever. 

So now, I have to rework my budget for the month, to account for the missing $300 gas & grocery funds. I don't mind helping my dad out, it's just tough I'm so financially strapped myself. The BF is completely annoyed b/c he feels as if I'm bailing my father out of a mess that he should be responsible for.../sigh 

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