Mint is A.MA.ZING.
I'm currently uploading all my account information, and I have to admit, that it's a bit discouraging to see all my debt in one area....but at the same time, it's extremely motivating!
The goal (and I'm not sure how feasible this is) is to have all consumer debt paid off by December 2009, when I turn 27. More details on this plan will be posted once I fully assess my current employment situation.
Regardless, this website will be a great resource for completing this challenge
I'm really making an effort to track exactly where all my money is going! That way, I can accurately revise my budget and will know what to cut out!
Also, here is a list of my goals for August :
- Work on Budget. Figure out what can be cut. Keep an extra eye on grocery costs.
- Track every $ spent
- Revise savings goals.
- Pay off $1k of debt. Debt snowball begins this month!
- Work on resume
- Renew Alumni Association membership, so that I can make an appointment with the career counselor
- Think about current job situation. Talk to employer about changes that may need to be made
- Keep an eye out for bigger and better opportunities. When one arises, act on it!
- Consider a PT job?
- Attend workshops such as "how to ace an interview"
- Rethink retirement options
- Begin taking classes that will help me acquire more job skills and make myself more marketable (Photoshop, InDesign, etc.)
- Resume GRE prep
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